Friday 26 August 2016

How To Delete Usb History From The Registry

 Delete USB history
Punitive is portable device to carry data. Through pen drive you can share data to anyone .but some organization plugging of pen drive is this case if you plug your pen drive in such kind of organization by you are in trouble.
So I have trick to delete pen drive history.

Step 1

If you want to see when you were plugged pen drive last time. To download this software.(Click Here)
It show you all history.

Step 2

To delete pen drive history there is software called USBObellian.this software delete all pen drive history from registry. To download this software from here.(Click Here)

When you plug pen drive, the pen drive history are stored in registry.
If you want to check usb history from the registry follow this Steps
Press windows key + R  and type Regedit in Run dialog box
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\USBSTOR  in that you get all USBHistory
To delete usb history double click on the USBObellian setup.
Check the box Do real clean and uncheck save backup .reg file and Click the Clean button.
By this you can successfully clean USB History.

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