Wednesday 2 November 2016

How To Use Teamviwer

Team viewer
Teamviwer is computer software that establish connection between your is used for remote control ,desktop sharing, and file transfer between is an excellent screen sharing and file transfer application that can be used  to facilate bussiness collaboration and remotely access a scond computer.
You can easily download the lates version of team viewer.(Click Here)

How to install
Double click on setup, and click Yes
Select  basic installation and  both of the above and click accept and finish as shown in rhe figure.
The installation Screen will apper as shown in figur.

The ID and Password on the left side of the screen are of your computer. You have to give this id and password to the user who want to acees your computer using teamviewer.The Partner ID box on the right side will take the id of the user with whome you want to connect.

In the Partner ID box,enter  the Partner ID of the computer to access it.
Click connect to partner button.the teamviwer Authentication Password Dialog box ask Password From your Partner To connect It.

Team viwer is now connected to troubleshoot problems of remote PC.

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