Sunday 24 January 2016

How To Configure Outlook in MS Outlook 2013

Today I am teaching you very interesting thing is that of about this tutorials we shall learn about POP and IMAP, and how to configure outlook in MS outlook 2013.You should to know about this.

Let’s join this tutorials without any delay.
Difference between POP and IMAP.

Of the two, IMAP is the better option - and the recommended option - when you need to check your emails from multiple devices, such as a work laptop, a home computer, or a tablet, smartphone, or other mobile device. Tap into your synced (updated) account from any device with IMAP.
POP3 downloads email from a server to a single computer, then deletes it from the server. Because your messages get downloaded to a single computer or device and then deleted from the server, it can appear that mail is missing or disappearing from your Inbox if you try to check your mail from a different computer.
POP3 - Post Office Protocol
IMAP - Internet Messaging Access Protocol
You can use only one computer to check your email (no other devices)
You can use multiple computers and devices to check your email
Your mails are stored on the computer that you use
Your mails are stored on the server
Sent mail is stored locally on your PC, not on a mail server
Sent mail stays on the server so you can see it from any device

If you want to go with POP, then here is setting for pop.
Here's how to enable POP in Gmail:
1.     Sign in to Gmail.
2.     Click the gear in the top right (setting).
3.     Select Settings.
4.     Click Forwarding and POP/IMAP.
5.     Select Enable POP for all mail or Enable POP for mail that arrives from now on.
6.     Choose what to do with your messages after your POP client or device receives them.
7.     Click Save Changes.
Although the radio button next to your selected option may not stay selected, Gmail displays the status next to 'POP Status:.' When you enable POP, your settings display 'POP Status: POP is enabled.'
If your POP settings are turned off, the status will indicate that POP is disabled.

If you want to go with imap here is setting for IMAP
Enable IMAP in your Gmail settings
1.     Sign in to Gmail.
2.     Click the gear in the top right .
3.     Select Settings.
4.     Click Forwarding and POP/IMAP.
5.     Select Enable IMAP.
6.     Click Save Changes.
Note: This setting is not available while using the basic HTML view of Gmail. To enable IMAP, use the standard view instead. Find out more about standard view and basic HTML view.

1    Then open outlook.
    Click on manual setup or additional server types.

3.       Click on POP or IMAP.

4.       Fill the all required option.(as shown in the fig.). Then   Click on more setting..

For ex.
User information
Your name=sanjay kaqnojiya
Server information
Account type=pop (you can select anyone either POP or IMAP)
Incoming mail                    
Outgoing mail                  
Logon information
Password=in that you type your email password.

  Choose outgoing server.  Tick on the use same setting as my incoming mail server.(as shown in the fig.)

3.     .
4.       Click on advance tab.   Tick on this server require encrypted connection. (SSL Port no of POP=995)
Use the following type of encrypted connection. (Choose SSL from the list SMTP=465).
Then click OK

 And click next.
Following screen are appear on the screen.

If all the task completed it means you have successfully configure the outlook 2013.

If you did not receive all the mail then click on send\receive in the outlook 2013 homepage.
By this you can receive all mails.

Thank you for join this tutorials.

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